Let first person
say "AAAAAAA" into the microphone and collect the data
Let another person do the same thing and record
the data.
Strike the tuning
fork and record the data
First Person
Second Person
Stuck the tuning fork hardly
Struck the tuning
fork softly
a) Yes, it is repeating.
b) We observed 4 waves. We determined waves by group
c) Prob time is 0.03 seconds. It is about a blink of an eye.
d) The period of the waves is 0.0075 seconds
e) Frequency is 133Hz
f) Lambda =2.55m. It is about the height of the classroom
g) Amplitude is about 0.6115 (no unit)
h) There would be more waves, but the frequency, lambda, amplitude will stay the same
test results: there are 38 waves, period become 0.00789, lambda becomes 2.68, Amplitude becomes 0.602
18 waves, T=0.00167s, A=0.234, lambda=0.566m
8 waves, T=0.00375, A=0.0695, lambda=1.275
We expect to have the same frequency, wave length, sahpe, but different amplitudes.
Struck softly

Struck hardly

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